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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring is for the Birds

Chirp Chirp....
                      Chirp Chirp....

                                    Chirp Chirp....

                                       Chirp Chirp....

                                               Chirp Chirp....

The sound drew me toward the slightly open window. At this point I realized why I'd awakened so cold earlier that morning.  Just outside the window is my shade garden, its perennial plants just beginning to emerge from the newly thawed garden soil.

Just days ago I filled my feeder with thistle seed and because

"If you fill it, they will come..."

the finches arrived.

Now, of course they scattered the moment I opened the door to set up to photograph them, but once I sat down, leaned back against a porch column, and covered myself completely with a blanket, they slowly began to come back. I managed to take well over 100 pictures. Don't worry, I won't put them all in this blog.

This was the closest picture I could get of these little beauties
in my crabapple tree.
Just when is this tree planning to bloom?

 One little guy tentatively came back, hanging out on the
wire hanger to make certain the coast was clear.
I sat, invisible under my blanket, snapping away.

A few moments later a female joined him.

They started coming from all over. Look
to the right of this photo and check out the latest arrival.


Look closely - they're there.

A little squabble broke out.

I'll just hang out up here for a while.

Let's try that again.
Oh well.

Take THAT!

Can't we just get along?

Love this action shot.
Nine finches in this shot.

(Look closely, there's another tushie in the middle on the left.)

As I was taking the last photo, I caught
a movement out of the corner of my eye.

A hen turkey wandered across my driveway...

...taking her sweet time...

...strutting her stuff...

 ...munching a bug or two...

...fluffing her feathers...

...and finally making her way toward the road.

At some point while I was snapping turkey photos,
the finches headed back to the crabapple tree.

All but one.

They'll be back.


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